

Studying with Oh Baby Nutrition

I thought I would share an update from 4 years later. Spoiler Alert: It's still the best decision I've made. I've said it before, motherhood has a way of lighting a fire in you — a spark of creativity and passion that often leads us down unexpected paths. I also joke that it leaves you with next to no time to execute your bright ideas. Jokes aside, we mothers have a remarkable way of making things happen and I've managed to study, create and grow a business in the last 4 years while raising 3 little ones.

I’ve had a few messages lately from mother’s who have stumbled across the journal I wrote about my time studying with Oh Baby Nutrition (read here) and I thought I would share an update as it has been 4 years since I enrolled into Holistic Postpartum Nutrition. Spoiler Alert: It’s still the best decision I’ve made.

I’ve said it before, motherhood has a way of lighting a fire in you — a spark of creativity and passion that often leads us down unexpected paths. I also joke that it leaves you with next to no time to execute your bright ideas. Jokes aside, we mothers have a remarkable way of making things happen and I’ve managed to study, create and grow a business in the last 4 years while raising 3 little ones.

Where It All Began

Before motherhood, I was on a completely different career path. I studied Business and Fine Arts (Fashion) at university. After university, I opened a bright yellow Mexican cantina (by accident), which I loved running for several years. But when I sold the business and discovered I was pregnant, everything shifted. I was ready for a new chapter but wasn’t sure what that would look like especially now I was throwing motherhood into the mix. The more I read about pregnancy and postpartum during my pregnancy, the more I realised that this was something I was deeply interested in.

As I journeyed into motherhood I realised that I needed flexibility, a sense of purpose, and a way to integrate my new role as a mother with work that felt meaningful to me. That’s when I discovered Oh Baby Nutrition, a decision that changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. If you want to read more about how Village for Mama came to be you can learn more here.

The Best Investment In Education

Two mothers sat side by side holding their babies. one baby is being breastfed.

Studying with Oh Baby Nutrition remains one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. My Certifications in Holistic Pregnancy and Postpartum nutrition allowed me to step into a new industry that I was passionate about, all while breastfeeding my daughter in bed. The flexibility of the course meant that I could study at my own pace, fitting it around the demands of motherhood without feeling overwhelmed.

Since completing the certification, I’ve accomplished so much that I’m incredibly proud of and more than I could have imaged. Oh Baby Nutrition was my stepping stone to it all. I became a postpartum doula, started offering 1:1 consultations with mamas, wrote and published my book, and launched 2 ebooks. I’ve hosted workshops and events, grown an online village of over 20k mamas, and contributed paid articles to online blogs and journals. Each of these milestones are a testament to how empowering the right education can be when it aligns with your passions.

How Oh Baby Nutrition Changed My Life

The knowledge and skills I gained from Oh Baby Nutrition have been transformative, both professionally and personally. I’ve been able to transition into a field that not only fulfills me but also allows me to make a real difference in the lives of other mothers both in my community and worldwide. Whether I’m supporting women through their postpartum challenges or educating and connecting with my online village, I’m doing work that I love with incredible women and mothers all while predominantly being a stay at home mum.

Oh Baby Nutrition gave me the tools to confidently guide mothers through their pregnancy and postpartum. From understanding the nutritional needs of new mothers to supporting them emotionally and mentally, this education has been invaluable. It’s allowed me to integrate everything I’ve learned into Village for Mama, expanding my offerings and reaching more women than I ever.

A Reminder to All Mothers

Two mothers sat on stairs. One is pregnancy the other is breastfeeding her baby.

To every mother out there, let this be a reminder: you can be both a mother and…. Motherhood doesn’t have to be the end of anything, it can be the beginning of so much. If you’ve felt that spark, let this be a sign to pursue it. Whether it’s in holistic nutrition, supporting women and mothers, or something entirely different.

Four years after studying with Oh Baby Nutrition, I can confidently say that it was a decision that changed my life for the better. It allowed me to turn my passion into a career that supports other mothers and fulfils me in ways I never imagined.

If you have any questions, I’m always happy to help. Send me a DM over on the ‘gram or an email. I’d love to help.

Ps. If this article helped you decide to study with Oh Baby, I would love it if you popped village for mama down in the ‘where you heard about us’ section of your application. I get a small kickback in return which helps me keep sharing content and love.

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