Setting Up Your Postpartum Meal Train
Our top tips for using your Baby Shower or Mother’s Blessing to ensure you enjoy a well nourished and well supported postpartum.

The importance of proper postpartum nutrition and rest can have a profound impact on your physical, mental and emotional health at such vulnerable time in your life. After months of building life, followed by the birth of your baby, it’s imperative that you have adequate time to rest, recuperate and enjoy your new baby as you find your feet in motherhood. Proper nutrition and rest impact things like milk supply, physical and mental recovery, hormonal regulations and can help to set you up for a smooth transition into this new season.
As a small business built on supporting mothers in their sacred postpartum period, one question we often get asked is: how do I organise a postpartum meal train? We know if can feel daunting asking friends or family to cook food or bring specific items to your Baby Shower or Mothers Blessing, but trust us, your village want to know how to help you in a practical and real way. So, here’s a few ways to ease the stress around planning for your postpartum and making it feel fun and exciting for all of those involved.
Requesting a dish over a gift.
When planning your Baby Shower or Mother’s Blessing, think about how you can incorporate a small request for those attending to bring a dish for you to freeze for your postpartum period. By including the request on the invitation or event details you’re able to give your guests plenty of time to prepare something special to bring along to your event. You can opt to have a chest freezer at the event for guests to immediately place the meals in for you to freeze once you take them home.

Decorate with our recipe cards!
We love seeing Baby Showers or Mother’s Blessings decorated with the Village for Mama recipe cards. ‘Take it, make it, deliver it with love’, is such a sweet message and call to action for your villagers, and gives them clear instruction on how you want to be supported and nourished in the postpartum period. No racing to the shops to by cute onesies or soft toys that bub doesn’t need, but rather clear instruction and advice on practical ways to support you and your new family at such a sacred time.
Some helpful hints when organising a meal train.
- Request meals to be brought in glass jars or tupperwear for easy freezing and defrosting. Ask them to have the meal clearly labelled, and their name on the tupperwear if they are wanting it returned once used.
- Option: Have an esky at the front door so meals can be dropped by with ease.
- Use the Village for Mama visitors card to let them know if you’re up for company or not. If not, a simple text to let you know a meal has been delivered is all you need.
- Remember: Your Village want to show up for you in the best way. Birth and postpartum are such a big act of surrender, and this can also mean surrendering and accepting help for those who love you.
- If you want to dive deeper into postpartum, our A Postpartum Guide E-Book is the perfect step by step guide for preparing for your postpartum journey and a bible for those early weeks of motherhood.
The Village for Mama Book is a postpartum recipe book with recipe gift cards to help modern mamas gather their village and organise homemade meal giving for their fourth trimester. Delicious recipes designed alongside a naturopath to help replenish and nourish a new mama post birth. Recipes cater to all mamas including vegan, gluten free and dairy free options.
Buy Village for Mama Book to start your nourished postpartum.

Gorgeous imagery by The Modern Doula